First step is to get signed up to GetResponse. Click on the logo below and set up your GetResponse account.
You can choose the "free" option to start, that is perfectly fine.
By the time you are done with this training you will have an auto responder set up with
a landing page and you will be able to promote your landing page to bring in leads
that will turn into associates on your team, which turn into commission for you.
As you can see there is currently a special on GetResponse.
If you plan on doing any email marketing at all I strongly suggest taking advantage of the discount,
but it is not necessary to get started.
The other part is the Email autoresponder series. It will be explained in a video below.
Open the link and go to "FILE" in the upper right hand corner and "make a copy".
This will give you your own copy to be able to edit the emails as you wish.
Click to get the email swipes
Log into your GetResponse account
Click on “Contacts” at the top of the page.
On the right side click on “Create list”
Name the list, for example “New OLSP Leads”
Tap Create.
The list now shows in your “lists” list.
Creating a template saves you a lot of time.
click on Email Marketing at the top
On the top bar click on My Templates
Click on Create Template
Make a name for your template. I usually go with a name that associates with the autoresponder I'm working on. I will call this one VIP ONE.
You can choose a pre-designed one, but I always go with Blank Template.
If you want to experiment with the templates so you can find one you like go ahead. You can also create multiple templates so every email in your auto responder is formatted a little differently. I'm going to choose blank template to start from scratch.
For LOGO I'm going to insert the logo that I designed in Canva. Tap on LOGO at the top and you'll see the menu on the right. Click on "Add Image" under the image box and upload your image. Your GetResponse account will save the images. Here you can also link it to a website, don't forget to add alternative text in case the image won't load when your reader opens the email, and change the size if you want to.
Now that your logo is in place, click on "Layout" on the right hand side to get back to the building blocks of the template.
I always try to add a spacer between each section, just to keep the emails neater. I'll add a spacer under the logo, then a text box for a greeting. Drag your spacer under the logo then click on "Back" on the menu to the right to get back to the building blocks. Now drag a "text" box under the spacer and place it by letting go of the mouse button.
Just so I know that's where my text goes for the greeting, I will type something in there to remind me it's a generic greeting box. you can play with the size, the font, the font color and the layout. You can also add emotes and custom fields, however if you're collecting emails from a source that doesn't have a first and last name, you probably want to avoid first and last name prompts.
Add another spacer underneath your greeting box, then click on <back to get back to the building blocks menu.
Now drag another text box under that spacer. This is where you can put some generic text so you know that's where the body of your email goes.
Add another spacer.
Now you can add another text box with a signature, or create a signature graphic in Canva to add. If you want to place a picture you can too with the picture block. Click <back to go back to the building blocks and choose image and drag it to your email template.
I've used signature graphics, I've used my personal picture, I've used banners for promotional items and I've used videos in emails. You can build the email however you want. Remember the template is how you want it to look as a basic guideline but you can always customize the email when you're creating the autoresponder.
Now you can click the <Back button to go back to your layout screen. Tap on "Message Style". Here you can change the background color, add a background image, and even edit the header and footer. Remember your address you set up earlier must be in the footer or your email will be rejected.
Customize it the way you want, make it your own. You can create multiple templates for one series of emails. Have fun with it!
Click Save and exit and your template is ready to use.
Click on “Tools” at the top left hand corner of the page.
Click on “Autoresponder” on the drop down menu.
Click on “Create Autoresponder”
You can do With AI if you want to, but I choose “By myself” to create from scratch.
Here you’ll give the name for the specific autoresponder message. I usually start with a “welcome message”, followed by “Day 1” and list name, etc.
Then choose the list you want it to go to.
Next you’ll do the Autoresponder settings.
Choose “On day 0” for the first one, it will send as soon as someone signs up. Leave all of the boxes checked for the days to be sent on unless you have a specific reason you don’t want to send email on any given day.
Now you’ll enter your “From” email address. This can be tricky, because Google and Yahoo email recently changed their terms the deliverability from an email domain such as Google or yahoo aren’t as likely to be delivered. It’s best if you use your own hosted domain, which I will cover later. If you have your own domain email use that, there is some additional setup that will be needed. For this tutorial go ahead and put in your Gmail email address for now. I’m using “” because it’s already DKIM authenticated.
Subject line is self explanatory. Definitely try to stay away from anything that says “money” or “money making” subject lines. Use ChatGPT to help you write some if you wish. Another tutorial will come later on how to have ChatGPT write your emails for you.
The Design & Content part is my favorite. I build templates for my email autoresponders so it’s much easier to keep things uniformed and looking good, and on the templates you can add banners and such at the bottom of your emails. I try to make three or four email templates for each autoresponder series, depending on how big the series is. As far as banners and graphics I can send you a lot of materials you can use for yourself, I’ll show you how you can link the materials in your emails so they are clickable links.
Click on “Design Message”. You can pick one of their pre-designed templates and just change the information, pick from “My Templates” which you haven’t built yet but I will show you how later, or you can click on “blank templates” or “Existing messages”. If you want to build your first message so you can just change the body of the email and keep everything else the same Existing Messages is a great place to go for that.
For this tutorial I’m going to go to My Templates because I’ve already built templates out.
You can see these are all templates I’ve built for different autoresponder series. Since you don’t have any templates yet we’re going to start from scratch with a blank template.
Go ahead and click on “Logo” at the top and delete that for now, unless you’ve got a personal logo or picture you’d like to use. I’ll use a graphic I have created to show you how it’s done, or you can turn off the “show logo” button at the right.
Here you drag and drop sections much like using a simple website builder. I’m going to start with text box.
Write some simple text in the box. You can edit the text, change the font, change the colors and change the size if you want. You can center the text and add links and emotes too.
After each section I add a spacer just so things aren’t too congested on the page.
Since I mentioned “here’s my facebook link” I’m going to drop a button for people to click on to get to my Facebook page. Edit the button and add your URL, and change the text on the button. You can also change the button color, shape and size if you want to.
Now add another text box. This will be your closing statement.
Don’t forget to add your signature and drop your button for your OLSP “Join” page.
You just completed your first email for your autoresponder. Click on “Next” in the upper right hand corner.
A “Spam Check” will review your email. I will tell you to BE CAREFUL and run your subject lines and message body through a spam checker if you’re new to GetResponse. Because I’ve used it for years I think they overlook my emails but if you’re new you CAN be kicked out of GetResponse for using “spammy” material.
Hit “Save and publish” at the bottom of the page. Now your introduction email is set and when people sign up to your landing page that we will be building they will get your introduction welcome message.
Now rinse, wash and repeat. I’m including a Google document with suggested email templates. Feel free to use them if you want, write your own, or copy mine and edit them to make them more personal.
Creating your own Landing Page is always a great idea for promoting your brand or business.
You can decide what information you want to collect, like first name, last name, email address and more.
You can customize the page the way you want it to look.
You can add whatever you want to.
The most successful pages usually have very little information collected, some just email. I prefer to add at least a first name so I can personalize the emails I'm sending.
Another reason why it's so beneficial to create your own is because it won't look like anyone else's landing page out there.
Step 1: From your GetResponse home page click on “tools” in the upper left hand corner of the page and select “Landing Pages”.
There are some really awesome landing pages that are pre-built, and you can create a landing page from there or you can create your own. The more detailed the landing page is the more content you’re going to have to replace, so keep that in mind.
For this tutorial we’re going to start from scratch.
Click on “Create landing page” in the upper right hand corner. It gives you two options, you can play with them and see if it will create something you like, but we’re going to start with a blank one.
Click on “Use a ready-made template”.
At the top click on “Blank templates”. You can see there are numerous different design layouts. Again you can play with them if you want to. For this training we’re just going to use a completely blank template, number zero. Hover over it and click “Use Template”.
Just like building an email template you can add elements as you wish. Click on the “PLUS” symbol on the right hand side of the screen to import your elements.
I start with an image at the top, and add my logo. Again you can “add files” or choose the file that is in your “My files” section if you’ve already uploaded it, it should be there if you’ve used it for an email template. The difference here is you’ll have to resize it manually, so click on one of the corners and hold the mouse button down to size it to where you want it to be.
I add a spacer under the logo, then a text body to explain what the landing page is for. The text options will pop up so you can choose what you want your text to look like. Add your text and format it to look the way you want it to.
Next is your form. This is where you will decide what information you want to collect from people. Go to “Add Elements” with the “plus” symbol and click on “Form” and drag it to your landing page. You will be able to choose what you want the form to look like on your page. If you choose “signup” on the left hand menu it defaults to name and email, this is what I always use.
If you want to you can drag the social media buttons from “Add Elements” onto your page, you can add video or images, and even create a popup form and a timer. I personally suggest keeping it simple, but I will show you how you can create a video landing page later in this tutorial and if you’re promoting OLSP I will show you how you can create a video landing page with a video I’ve created to encourage people to sign up to your email list.
Click on the signup form you’ve added to your landing page. Here you will be able to edit the fields you want to collect, so you can just collect the email if you want to. You can also change the color settings of the signup page as well.
You can also change the background color, but remember the more changes you make the more you’ll want to change your text and the other parts of your landing page to stand out. I’m going to change my background color to black and all of the text to white.
Now we need to decide if we’re re-directing this to another page after the subscriber hits the “sign up” button or if we’re going to make it a thank you. If you’re using this for OLSP I suggest using your OLSP MegaLink sales page as the redirect.
Click on the “sign up” button and under “success view” on the right hand menu select “redirect to another page or site”. Here you will choose “external page or website”. In the URL address paste your OLSP MegaLink sales page link.
Before you go to “continue” in the upper right hand corner to finalize your landing page make sure you preview the desktop and the mobile versions to make sure the layout fits on both. Once you are happy with the layout click “continue” in the upper right hand corner.
Like the email template, you’ll change the name of your landing page, decide which list to attach it to and what day you want to start. I always start with day zero.
The favicon is what will show on the address bar or in tabs next to the page title of your landing page, I use my logo there. Cookie consent banner I turn off. If you’re using advanced tracking you should have it on, but I don’t use them right now as GetResponse gives me the information I’m interested in.
Make sure your business information is updated and hit “continue”.
You will have another option to change the name, then you’ll change the domain you want it to be. If you have your own domain you can customize your landing page to link to your domain, but for this training I’m going to just use one of Get Responses domains. I’m going to name this _____ so the name shows up in the address bar of the web browser. Then click “Publish”
You can see that your Landing Page now has a url and you can copy that and share it.
Click on “Tools” at the top left hand corner of the page.
Click on “Autoresponder” on the drop down menu.
Click on “Create Autoresponder”
You can do With AI if you want to, but I choose “By myself” to create from scratch.
Here you’ll give the name for the specific autoresponder message. I usually start with a “welcome message”, followed by “Day 1” and list name, etc.
Then choose the list you want it to go to.
Next you’ll do the Autoresponder settings.
Choose “On day 0” for the first one, it will send as soon as someone signs up. Leave all of the boxes checked for the days to be sent on unless you have a specific reason you don’t want to send email on any given day.
Now you’ll enter your “From” email address. This can be tricky, because Google and Yahoo email recently changed their terms the deliverability from an email domain such as Google or yahoo aren’t as likely to be delivered. It’s best if you use your own hosted domain, which I will cover later. If you have your own domain email use that, there is some additional setup that will be needed. For this tutorial go ahead and put in your Gmail email address for now. I’m using “” because it’s already DKIM authenticated.
Subject line is self explanatory. Definitely try to stay away from anything that says “money” or “money making” subject lines. Use ChatGPT to help you write some if you wish. Another tutorial will come later on how to have ChatGPT write your emails for you.
The Design & Content part is my favorite. I build templates for my email autoresponders so it’s much easier to keep things uniformed and looking good, and on the templates you can add banners and such at the bottom of your emails. I try to make three or four email templates for each autoresponder series, depending on how big the series is. As far as banners and graphics I can send you a lot of materials you can use for yourself, I’ll show you how you can link the materials in your emails so they are clickable links.
Click on “Design Message”. You can pick one of their pre-designed templates and just change the information, pick from “My Templates” which you haven’t built yet but I will show you how later, or you can click on “blank templates” or “Existing messages”. If you want to build your first message so you can just change the body of the email and keep everything else the same Existing Messages is a great place to go for that.
For this tutorial I’m going to go to My Templates because I’ve already built templates out.
You can see these are all templates I’ve built for different autoresponder series. Since you don’t have any templates yet we’re going to start from scratch with a blank template.
Go ahead and click on “Logo” at the top and delete that for now, unless you’ve got a personal logo or picture you’d like to use. I’ll use a graphic I have created to show you how it’s done, or you can turn off the “show logo” button at the right.
Here you drag and drop sections much like using a simple website builder. I’m going to start with text box.
Write some simple text in the box. You can edit the text, change the font, change the colors and change the size if you want. You can center the text and add links and emotes too.
After each section I add a spacer just so things aren’t too congested on the page.
Since I mentioned “here’s my facebook link” I’m going to drop a button for people to click on to get to my Facebook page. Edit the button and add your URL, and change the text on the button. You can also change the button color, shape and size if you want to.
Now add another text box. This will be your closing statement.
Don’t forget to add your signature and drop your button for your OLSP “Join” page.
You just completed your first email for your autoresponder. Click on “Next” in the upper right hand corner.
A “Spam Check” will review your email. I will tell you to BE CAREFUL and run your subject lines and message body through a spam checker if you’re new to GetResponse. Because I’ve used it for years I think they overlook my emails but if you’re new you CAN be kicked out of GetResponse for using “spammy” material.
Hit “Save and publish” at the bottom of the page. Now your introduction email is set and when people sign up to your landing page that we will be building they will get your introduction welcome message.
Now repeat. I’m including a Google document with suggested email templates. Feel free to use them if you want, write your own, or copy mine and edit them to make them more personal. Make your AutoResponder as long as you want.
directions coming soon